Édouard Manet


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Edouard Manet artist is one of the founders of impressionism and one of the first to paint pictures about the life of his contemporaries, and not allegorical, mythical and historical subjects.

He hoped to achieve fame and a salon career and, despite criticism, became the main revolutionary of French painting in the 19th century.

Manet was much more interested in a portrait (including a group one) than in the experiments of the Impressionists in the open air; he was more closely bound by the canons of traditional art, especially in the choice of subjects.

He is one of those artists whose paintings were laughed at and whose paintings were indignant at the ostentatious "obscenity" of the crowd of spectators.

Since the late 1850s, Manet found himself at the center of a circle that brought together not only the impressionist painters Claude Monet and Pierre Renoir, but also the writers Zola and Baudelaire.

The artist had to wait a long time for official success. In 1859, The Absinthe Drinker was rejected by the Salon Exhibition, and Manet got there only two years later with the Portrait of Parents. In 1865 he traveled to Spain to study Goya's work.

At the World Exhibition of 1867, the paintings of Edouard Manet were collected in a separate pavilion.

Belated official recognition brought the artist in 1881 "Portrait of the actress Jeanne de Marcy." In the same year, Manet received the Legion of Honor. Édouard Manetdied after a long illness at the age of 51.

Manet is a modernist artist who began to depict life itself in his paintings, and an artist who began the countdown of a new era in art. This era is called modern art and continues to this day.

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