Female Royal Portraits


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Female Royal Portraits(Canvas, Digital)

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Give her the perfect gift - our royal female portraits! Our paintings are meant to help people tell and save their stories, which is why we love when our customers share theirs. Stories of female royal portraits are almost always not only about beauty, but also about strength and courage, like those of real queens.
Natalie commissioned a portrait from us as a gift for her older sister, Emma. When Natalie and her twin brother, John, were 14 and Emma was 26, their parents died in a car accident. The young girl was forced to replace her father and mother for two teenagers, to work hard to feed and clothe them, to give them a good education. And she also had to solve their psychological problems: Natalie and John were already in their puberty, so they could be moody, rebellious and rude, but their parents' death made it even worse. They were also miserable and depressed.
Natalie says: “Then it seemed to me that our sister is an insensitive machine that wants us to be the same and does not let us grieve for our parents. I often resented her. She was always collected and strict, she made sure that we ate right and studied perfectly, maintained perfect cleanliness at home and forced us to do the same, adhered to a strict daily routine and made us a similar one. She also worked and worked and worked. Now John and I understand how hard it was for her and what hell she had to go through.
My God, she herself was almost a child, but she had to sacrifice a lot in order for us to have everything! It wasn't until we grew up that we realized how much Em had done for us. She was even able to let us graduate from university instead of going to work straight out of college. I feel ashamed for my behavior in the past and I am incredibly grateful.
Now the three of us live happily, raise our own children and support each other. For Emma's 40th birthday, I wanted to give her a portrait so that she can see herself the way John and I see her - strong, smart, beautiful and majestic. She will always be our queen."
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After hearing the story from our customer Lily, we couldn't hold back our tears. Tears of joy, because her friend Irma was able to beat cancer!
Lily: “Irma and I have been best friends since school. We met at a running competition. I twisted my leg and fell, and she was the only runner to come off the track to help me up and make sure I was okay. Then she took me to the infirmary. But she did not regret at all that she had missed her chance to win then. Irma is always like this. She is very kind, easy-going and ready to knock herself out for the sake of others. She was an excellent runner and athlete. At the next competition, she smashed everyone to smithereens, taking first place. Her sports career developed rapidly. She represented our school, then the city, and then the state at the competitions. She got an athletic scholarship at the university, which we both entered. When she and I found out about this, we jumped so hard on my bed for joy that we broke it. And then a terrible thing happened. Irma, who had never smoked and had been running all her life, was diagnosed with lung cancer.
It was a shock. I sobbed for two days when I found out about this, but my friend was not going to give up. She comforted and encouraged me, her family and boyfriend when it should have been the other way around! Irma fought for her life as fiercely as she fought for first places in competitions. And she won. At the cost of several courses of chemotherapy, severe pain and loss of all body hair, including eyebrows and eyelashes, but these are all trifles. My baby is alive, happy, she was able to return to the university and even run! This year we both got our PhDs. Irma's birthday is coming soon, and I'm going to give her a special portrait: her as a queen without hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. I want her to know her friends and family adore and admire her. I love with my beautiful, strong and cheerful bald queen!”
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